Sayulita at your Service has always prided itself on being so much more than just a business in Sayulita.

We have assured from day one that we remain rooted in the community where our seeds were planted and roots grew. Our children were born here, our love grew here, and out of that love our amazing lives took shape. We take pride in creating and working with community efforts. Join us in being part of and supporting all the good we and our town do for the community.

El Centro Creativo Sayulita

El Centro Creativo Sayulita, is a cultural center that through arts and crafts seeks to collaborate in the formation of children in the community. It is an amusement center based on creativity. Our Vision. To be the community center of Sayulita where the values of its predecessors are recognized and practiced; a sustainable space of integration, leisure and learning in an environment of harmony, respect and equality between the community and with nature.

Mission. Promote and encourage the integration and creativity of the inhabitants of Sayulita, especially children, and contribute to the construction of a community in harmony with ourselves and with nature; in a social and sustainable space where the appreciation, development and exchange of artistic, cultural, sports and crafts activities are celebrated. This year premiered the first annual Trashion Fashion event, and continued a long line of great community events such as the Mar y Vida Surf Camp free for local kids, Adult and Kids programs and more!



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To escape and sit quietly on the beach – that’s my idea of paradise

- Emilia Wickstead

Everyone on our team works from within our local community to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles, in balance with our natural resources and local environment. We know that community needs nourishment. We would love to share with you some authentic experiences helping to support our town’s community, let us know and we can connect


Costa Verde International School (CVIS) is an ecological, community-oriented, multicultural and bilingual private school located in Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico where Sayulita at your Service’s owners children have or do currently attend. Incorporating the natural beauty and dynamic culture of the local area, CVIS provides an intellectually stimulating curriculum for preschool through 6th grade, as well as three grades of secondario (7th-9th grades), with small class sizes and hands-on instruction to inspire healthy, happy, and well-adjusted life-long learners. CVIS constantly gives back to the community, through Beach Cleanups, community efforts and an amazing scholarship program. CVIS relies on the generous donations to bring an alternative education choice and environmental awareness programs to the people of Sayulita and the surrounding area. The scholarship program is 100% funded by donations and it can only exist with your help. Thank you! We are able to accept donations through our 501(c) non-profit organization in the United States, “Ninos del Sol Inc.” A tax receipt will be emailed or mailed for each donation made in the US.



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We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.

– Anais Nin

dia de los muertos

November 1st and 2nd has become even more special for our little town, as the now famous Day of the Dead celebration is held in Sayulita; the streets are filled with color and flowers perfume the air, and the entire town works all year to prep for this internationally recognized event. The grand cultural program and traditional night walk from the central plaza to the cemetery make this something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. Contribute by working directly with El Centro de Sayulita.



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Please let us know what we can do for you. We are at your service
